Shelley College students celebrate strong GCSE results

Congratulations to our 2017 GCSE Students at Shelley College
Shelley College students, staff and parents are celebrating today after achieving strong GCSE results, with 81% passing the new, tougher GCSE in English (at grade 4 and above) and 75% reaching the same standard in mathematics. John McNally, Principal said, “The introduction of the new style GCSE appears to have gone smoothly at Shelley College and I am grateful to teachers for the hard work they have put in to make sure our students were as well prepared as possible. I am pleased the results seem to be comparable with previous years and very much in line with our predictions. Well done to the students for their hard work, which has been rewarded with these outcomes.”
There were some concerns with the inconsistency of coursework moderation by examination boards, with some figures marked down by boards. John added, “There seems to be a lack of consistency with individual moderators. Many of our teachers have accurately marked coursework for many years and are then told they have been too lenient. We will certainly be challenging some of the grades and expect many to improve even further.”
There were some exceptional performances from individuals, with 25 students achieving eight or more top A*, A, 9, 8 or 7 grade passes (please see below for the full list of names).
Finally, we want to wish all our students every success for the future, they have been a pleasure to teach and I know they will be a great success whatever they choose to do next.
The following Shelley College students all achieved at least eight GCSEs at grade A, A*, 7, 8 or 9:
Charlotte Armstrong; Eleanor Dufton; Amy Howarth; Martha Joyce; Jack Laycock; Ella Hurdley; Esme Rajecki-Doyle; Che Wigfield; Safiya Mohammed; Rose Sarrafi; Thomas Wake; Scarlet Durant; Alice Auckland; Ellie Barron; William Bullas; Isabel Dunkerley; Ellie Fosbrook; Jack Morris; Charlotte Dobson; Izzy Hunt; Amy Battye; James Coneron; Leo Corley; Emily Cox; Joe Taylor